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Exciting day!!

Today was an exciting day!!

1. Rode a jeepney to my appointments.. Save gas!

2. I met up with my old friend for lunch.. her name is Josephine Turalba. She is a jewelry designer and painter. We went to UP Diliman together back in the 80’s and we’ve been best friends since… I would eat "galungong" the fish in her house always and would scuba dive almost every weekend during college.

We talked about her up coming painting show (probably next year) and she wanted a manager to be able to put direction and focus to her art. I was thrilled and privilege to do it because I’ve always known that jingjing is a great artist!!! I believe that her paintings and other artworks will been seen around the world. She won an international jewelry competition in Italy last year so.. why not manage this woman.. hehe. I’ll play it by ear… Royal Brush Oil Color Brush Kit

3. After I met up with Aimee for a VTR in élan. I met international models like Ingrid she’s 19yrs old and has been everywhere. Hmm.. Modeling seems exciting! Project and smile!
Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure
When Aimee and I finished our VTR it was raining super hard and the streets were flooded. Aimee was able to get a cab while I took a “side car” home.

I have pictures of the flood! It was entering the side car already! Cars were stalled and traffic everywhere. My side car driver was cool, he took care of me. I was shouting every time I was getting wet. It was like riding a roller coaster…

I thank God that I did not bring my car.. saving gas is good! And this day may seem a disaster to some but i guess its how you look at life is what makes situations exciting!

As soon as i got home I took a shower and scrub the canal water off my skin..

What an exciting day 


thespitsmaster said…
I wish I was as luck as you. Me, I had to walk in the flood. Got when I got home, did the same thing. :D

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