Sunday, July 30, 2006

Today is Important!

A few days ago I read in Oswald Chamber’s devotional about “God’s purpose or Mine?” That day made me realize that what is important is today… and I can accomplish God’s purpose today. I get caught up getting so involved in a “purpose driven destination” but I miss the “purpose driven moment.”

Whatever vision I have for myself, for my artists, for the Philippines.. or “whatever it may be.. God’s purpose for me is to DEPEND ON HIM and on HIS power now. If I can stay clam, faithful and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal and purpose of God is being accomplished in me.” Oswald Chambers.

Apart from Him everything is meaningless anyways…

I am glad to be reminded that today is always important. The decisions I make today will eventually become my destiny. I don’t know how to get to my destiny now but I know how to get through today. Why should I worry and feel inadequate with what I see in the future. Again .. today is today. Tomorrow is in God’s hands.

LeBistro by: jingjing turalba

Ps : Jingjing Turalba's LEBISTRO 40" x 34" anyone interested email me at

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

open doors

Opportunities are opening for me internationally. I believe the 2nd and 3rd generation Overseas Filipinos (immigrants) who are more foreign than Filipino are hungry for identity. Entertainers/Artist will probably help them understand who they are and will create a connection to home…. Also Overseas Contract Workers who are out there and everywhere want to see “kababayans” perform to satisfy curiosity to know “what’s new”, “who is new”, etc. in the Philippines.

One such artist is Kitchie Nadal who is booked to perform in Dubai and Abu Dhabi on August 24, 25 and 26. She has tentative bookings also in Guam (pending visa approval) on August 31, September 1 and 2, Kuwait September 15 and in the US from October 19 to Nov 4 all on 2006.. and all during her term breaks. Her classes will not be affected : )

Another is a newbie..Aimee Villarico who was chosen to be a part of the cast in a Canadian independent documentary film. The budget is minimal but the experience is priceless …

There are many entertainers and artists who are presently going back and forth to the nations to fill the void in the hearts of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers). I believe we Filipino artists also have a calling to fill the void of all nationalities and turn the hearts of the fathers to their children. Its time to put the purposes of God first and our destiny in His Hands…

…again lets see what will happen as it unfolds in His time. Everything is by faith from first to last!

I am not in control...

....."Whom shall i send? And who will go for us? ... here i am..send me!"

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Exciting day!!

Today was an exciting day!!

1. Rode a jeepney to my appointments.. Save gas!

2. I met up with my old friend for lunch.. her name is Josephine Turalba. She is a jewelry designer and painter. We went to UP Diliman together back in the 80’s and we’ve been best friends since… I would eat "galungong" the fish in her house always and would scuba dive almost every weekend during college.

We talked about her up coming painting show (probably next year) and she wanted a manager to be able to put direction and focus to her art. I was thrilled and privilege to do it because I’ve always known that jingjing is a great artist!!! I believe that her paintings and other artworks will been seen around the world. She won an international jewelry competition in Italy last year so.. why not manage this woman.. hehe. I’ll play it by ear… Royal Brush Oil Color Brush Kit

3. After I met up with Aimee for a VTR in élan. I met international models like Ingrid she’s 19yrs old and has been everywhere. Hmm.. Modeling seems exciting! Project and smile!
Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure
When Aimee and I finished our VTR it was raining super hard and the streets were flooded. Aimee was able to get a cab while I took a “side car” home.

I have pictures of the flood! It was entering the side car already! Cars were stalled and traffic everywhere. My side car driver was cool, he took care of me. I was shouting every time I was getting wet. It was like riding a roller coaster…

I thank God that I did not bring my car.. saving gas is good! And this day may seem a disaster to some but i guess its how you look at life is what makes situations exciting!

As soon as i got home I took a shower and scrub the canal water off my skin..

What an exciting day 

Saturday, July 08, 2006

pointers on artist management

I receive allot of demos, emails, and text messages from artists who need management. I would decline since I will not be able to fulfill the obligations it will take to fully manage an artist.
I believe there are many out there who would love to learn how to be one …

Here are some tips on being and artists manager:
1. Character is no. 1 “It is not about the manager but about the artist.. (if you’re like me.. its really about God!)” Ask yourself: Will this please God? Will my artists benefit? Am I greedy? Am I thinking long term? There are many character issues that will surface. It’s always better to talk about it and be honest 1st with God, 2nd with the artist and 3rd with yourself. If you are willing to be open and honest with everything .. let’s proceed to no. 2.
2. Pray!! Hey be ready for God’s open doors. It only takes 1 anointed idea or connection to make it to the top. It is best that it comes from God. Every gift from God He adds no trouble into it.
3. You need to be administrative.. (if your not .. you will have a hard time) to some it’s a gift to others it’s a skill to be learned… I’ll go for both. Gift and skill!
4. You need to be a friend to the artist. You are the protector! Be ready to get negative vibes from the producers, the fans and the family. Please don’t be hateful but treat everyone with respect. When in doubt refer to no. 1.

Okay these are only four points, but I believe these are very important. The others points will come as you play things by ear.

Personally I’ve made many big and small mistakes and I know I will still make them, hopefully not the same ones. So do not fear we all got to start. Remember character is most important for you and the artists! Be open and willing to receive correction and mentoring. We all need to deal with our issues. If you are greedy seek help. Etc, etc.

If you still need help feel free to email me or posts. Our country needs real artist managers!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Travels: Japan

Photos from our Japan trip last April:

with Eddy and Ohki (plumbers soon to be record producers)

we always walked!!

Kitchie with her new guitar toy!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

new blog look and new artist

Hey this is aimee!! and this is the new look of my blog!! thank you mari you for making this look more like me.

I'l be making the demos of the artists available in my blog.. please feel free to comment by emailling me or comment here in this site.

thank you,

i am a child of God

I grew up in a family of six children four girls ( i being the youngest girl ) and two boys. My mom was the one who brought us up.. single-parent, super hard working mommy! Bringing us up was a big deal and i honor my mother by doing her very best to raise us up alone!

By my mom's sheer determination and focus...all of us finished college and we are all doing our "own thing." One went to the "health" thing. The other went to the "corporate" thing, two went to the "family" business thing and the other two went to the "arts" thing...

I guess with the influence of my mommy, i felt that i need to be very sherwd with finances. Spending was hard for me but saving and earning money was easy.. I would get a job easy, find a bussiness, etc. Money is not the issue but the "love of money" was..

Growing up and watching my mother worked so hard made me afraid of not having enough..I wanted to become rich and famous so i won't have to work so hard..

Until recently as God has been changing my heart, I learned that material things or riches are so fleeting!! So easy to loose and it give false security.. One of my problems is not being able to spend my money and enjoy it.I had a revelation that riches is just a tool and everything here are His.. we a mere stewards of His gifts.. It made me more aware of spending and earning..

Three days ago a friend of mine asked help to look for high-end condos at the fort.. We went around to look at Serendra, One Mckinly and Boni Ridge.. They were really nice and I wanted to live in one. I felt that my eyes were open to see the possibilities of purchasing nice homes and seeing myself living in it.

I don't really know when but i do believe it will be soon. God is my Father now and He loves to give me a nice home!! If my mother worked so hard to build her home and to give us great education, food , lodging, travels, etc. What more God the Father who owns all things!!

I recently had a thought... or a prophetic word.. "I believe that God will reveal Himself as The Father to the filipinos!! The Philippines has become a fatherless nations .. Today is a new day for us!! God will Father us!"

Hey guys be ready for God's fathering

Matthew Mateo Signs with Roca Cruz

Eyes Future in Music Emerging artist  Matthew Mateo recently signed an Artist Management and publishing contract with Roca Cruz, a seasoned ...