i have been watching movies lately.. trying to get inspiration. Prestige.. great movie! wow! the complex story amazed me.. the editing and direction amazed me even more! past, present, plots then whoa.. that's the story. the story spoke to me regarding obsession and the blind spot it creates. i checked my heart if i am obssesed and i found that i was'nt i am just bored.. the movie inspired me! excellent! Happy feet.. sad movie! great songs and singing! cool arrangement supprising! but i was expecting to be entertained.. i was not, it was heavy! i felt green peace and PETA made this movie. i even cried and felt guilty... i wonder if kids felt the same? maybe if the trailer showed the serious part and not only the singing and dancing i wouldn't feel i have been had! after the movie i felt i was fooled.. all in all the movie was long and delayed to get to the point. there was even religous overtones, excumunication, etc. i still wonder what the impact to kids will be? i rememb
Online journal of missionary/school administrator Roca Cruz: insights, on the road, behind the scenes.