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Toronto Ontario to Canmore Alberta

Toronto Ontario - Canmore Alberta via Greyhound Bus ( 30 day discovery pass)
Trip length - 2 days and 9 hours

First experience in traveling by bus in North America. I read allot of tips in the internet about traveling by bus, I have taken note of it and used it but these tips I have are from my own experience.

1. Make your itinerary clear and take note of the bus transfers and length of lay-overs.
2. Bring food most of the stops are fast food chains. My food suggestions are Trail Mix, veggie snacks, sandwiches, water, and fruits.
3. Pack very light and you don’t have to bring a sleeping bag. If you are hosteling most hostels do not allow sleeping bags (fear of bugs) they provide sheets, towels and blanket already. For my 45 day journey i brought just 5 shirts, 2 under shirts, swimsuit, 4 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 trousers, 1 long sleeve shirt and a jacket. Laundry service are available in most areas.
4. Avoid drinking coffee. Its a diuretic and will make you “pee” all the time. There is a toilet inside the bus; however, its so difficult to use it while the bus is moving.
5. The bus can be cold so be prepared. Neck support is good, small blanket for the bus. I used my long sleeve shirt as blanket.
6. Use the stops to stretch arms, back, legs and neck. The bus stops 3-4 hours.

    Canmore is a great place! Lots of hiking! I recommend Georgetown Inn great food!! and The Hostel Bear its walking distance from the Bus Terminal and is in the heart of the town.


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