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Packing woes!!

I will be traveling to Europe for a year and I'm worrying if I have packed what I need..

This feeling can be a spiritual dilemma.. what is important and what is unimportant.. what do I need and what I cant live without... what I don't want to spend for and what I can afford..

My departure from manila is June 11, at 1230am. The day of my birthday! A great day to start something new.

Flying to Jordan.. then to Sweden!

Take note.. I'm staying in one of the coldest countries in Europe.. another consideration to my packing woes.

I've started to pack the ff on zip lock bags:
10 t-shirts
10 pairs of socks
1 small mixer (beringer 502)
phone charger (nokia)
kitchie nadal cds (love letter)
2 pajamas
1 pair of slippers
1 pair of boots
fdd controller (recording equipment c/o beringer)
ear muff
2 nice hats
toiletries (shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush)
3 pairs of jeans
2 nice dresses
2 sweaters
1 leather jacket
1 pair of rubber shoes

I dont want to be overwieght.. 20 kgs max!!
I dont want want my luggage to be heavy too :(

The pre-departure is as important as the travel, I believe one must be ready. I have been praying for this opportunity to travel for years and i need to be discerning of the good works God has prepared for me in advance in Europe. Pls pray for me too!


MayYouMe said…
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MayYouMe said…
wow roca, one year is long, to be doing a lot or little stuff... and short, in the bigger scheme of things or compared to eternity. i'm excited for you as usual! woohoo! mark & i just finished watching The Band of Brothers on DVD and got a glimpse of beautiful Scandinavian countries. remember that i'm committed to praying for you sister. mark & i desire to go to the philippines next year (first time for him to go out of the US) and minister/bless children together w pastor meynard's youth group... that is, if God wills! mark & i cant wait to be with Jesus! but in the meantime, we're at Jesus' disposal =) love ya!
Ramil Teodosio said…
Are your boots waterproof? What about laptop, magic jacks, scarf, camera, lip balm, lotion, your bible..yikes..ang dami pa...but i'm sure you'll get it all done =D
Unknown said…
the very first lesson I learned from a dear friend is that we must not worry of what we would lose in our life's necessities - because He promised that he would take care of us! I believe you have all the things that you needed to pack along with you - your heart, your mind filled with greatness, your words & most of all your faith! You know who to call or IM when the need for some flannel jammies or comfort socks... I am soooo glad that you and Kitchie are off to a new adventure! Maybe I can swing by to have some chocolates with you guys & we can enjoy some NY pizza here!
I'll be in touch!
Just want to let you know that your presence has not been forgotten....

Take care!

Mylzy T.

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