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Over promise Under deliver

I friend of mine commented while she was reading my blog that I :
“Over-promise and under deliver.” I believe that was the “word” that I needed to hear and it clinches what I felt I needed to learn at this stage of my life… “Manage people’s expectations.

Personally I…
1. Love to speak my dreams and my vision in life and when I share my vision I forget that it is so attractive that I draw people to the myself and the vision. There is a tendency that people feel that I will bring them to the vision but what I need to learn is to draw out their dreams and inspire them to dream themselves. I know that only one Person can fulfill the desires of our hearts with no strings attached and complications involved.

2. Love to think and write random thoughts and keeps people hanging.. Yikes! Maybe it’s the attention deficit in me that forget the entries. I will remember to finish what I promise especially when I write them out. I am learning to always make written contracts and to work on the contract. I can not get into a verbal commitment because I forget!

I have only 2 points for now that I over promise and under deliver. These are big points! I can learn them step by step and keep learning until I can grow and discover more as I continue to walk step by step!

oh i forget! Let my yes be yes and no be no!


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