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Back from Dubai and Abu Dhabi!

I want to share what I’ve learned when I was on the plane listening to one of the audio cd from Dubai to manila. I forgot who the author is.. when I find out I’ll edit this entry.

1. Focus on your strength and not on your weakness. Focus on your strength until your weakness becomes irrelevant.
Wow! I really like this point. I’ve been so hard on myself trying to cope with my weakness and making it a strength.. but in the process I have not given time to make my strength even stronger. I have a lot of strengths to focus on and yes they need allot of work to. There are people who are strong in the area I am weak at and I can partner with them.

The bible says God is strong in my weakness and He is made perfect in it, so the grace of God will cover my weakness. Focus on what I can do best and be the best in it.

2. Stop doing what you hate doing.
Yes! We all get into the trap of just doing things because of money, comfort and security that we don’t get to do what we really love to do.

I once lived without a purpose and I was so miserable… living without restraints not knowing who I was and what I will become. I was in a young body with so much energy yet hating my life… going around in circles.

Finally.. one day, I stopped doing what I hate “sin” and ran to God (a.k.a. Jesus) and began to live. It was a slow process knowing what I love to do… but I was with God, in the process of still searching but there was a security that I was on the right track! I began to enjoy life and enjoy the up and downs of my journey.

I have a choice now to do what I love to do which is to be in the perfect will of God or to be out of it. I love being in the perfect will! I hate being away.. so I would stop! Get my bearings and get to the right path again.. yes, I do get lost at times but He finds me and brings me back where I am safe!

This revelation is so valuable to me! It makes me love being myself and live my purpose. I hope the people reading this find it and live it!

for more info about the gig check out

Ps: allot of inquires regarding the Kitchie Nadal T-shirts!
Its PHP700 each available only in ladies small size. The large and x-large will be available in 2 weeks.
You can purchase it in:
“I Love You Store”
its in between Aberdeen court and Government.

Or email me:

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