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Discipling me

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Discipleship doesn’t just happen in the church

To make disciples, we must go and we must make. To go requires movement and to make requires creativity. Discipleship is central here. God incarnated in Jesus Christ the perfect example of how to do this. Christ developed godly character in others.

Our authority to disciple comes from Christ! You’re not alone

Jesus didn’t offer his final instructions and then just left us to it. We have a promise from Christ that he is with us always! That means when you’re facing a discipleship challenge that seems insurmountable, Christ is with you by his Holy Spirit. When your parent seems completely uninterested in your life, Christ is with you. When you bring the new church van back with a dent shaped like a frightened cow, Christ is with you. Always.

Donita Sabater singing Deciphering Me cover by Brooke Fraser


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