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Embarking on a Journey Part 1

Planning a trip from Toronto to Vancouver and back to Toronto on August 2011 via Greyhound discovery pass. Budget tips for greyhound women riders

Preparation Stage 2 months:
  • Set-up a prayer shield to cover me in my travels.
  • Haircut, from my mid-long hair to super short hair. Its such a hassle to have long hair and travel. So will have to chop off my hair, and turn it into a wash and wear hairstyle. Hair idea the 2nd to the last picture
  • Make an itinerary
  • Make reservations in hostels
  • Check out friends if they are willing to house me.. il be like an “angel” in disguise
  • Work-out ! There will be allot of carrying uggh!! and walking (love walking! not carrying)
  • Packing list .. super pack light! (2 trousers, 4 t-shirts, 2 tank top, 1 jacket, sleeping bag, pajamas, 2 long sleeves polo, toothbrush, comb, hat, scarf, gloves, flashlight, underwear, baking soda, flip flops, bathing suit, extra glasses, 1 walking shorts) guide to packing
Tentative Itinerary:
1. Toronto to Canmore Alberta  (2 days and 16 hrs)
2. Canmore to Vancouver (13 hrs)
3. Vancouver to Vancouver Island
4. Vancouver to Banff (13 hrs) Moon Canadian Rockies: Including Banff & Jasper National Parks (Moon Handbooks)
5. Banff to Jasper (whole day traveling the Icefields) dream destination banff
6. Jasper to Edmonton (5hrs) 
7. Edmonton to Saskatoon (7 hrs)
8. Saskatoon to Winnipeg  (13 hrs)
9. Winnipeg to Thunder Bay (9.15hrs)
10. Thunder Bay to Toronto (20.5hrs) hostel in thunder bay


Jennifer said…
The great thing about being a girl though is when backpacking, you carry less weight as ours are generally much lighter than guy's clothes.

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Jenny said…
Those tips sound simple enough. What I find difficult is creating an itinerary. Even if I have everything planned out, I always fail to follow the schedule for whatever reason.

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Unknown said…
This was just wonderful guidance. Make an itinerary is a great idea! Sample Contracts
roca said…
hi jenny personally itineraries are made to be broken :) its just a general over view of the trip but its more fun to be flexible. the wonderful unexpected blessings!

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