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Living a month in Sweden I came across this word "jantelagen." Being a filipino, I can relate to jantelagen..
Jantelagen comes from the Danish Janteloven and has its source in the writings of Aksel Sandemose’s 1933 novel ‘En flygtning krydser sit spor’ (A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks) which is set in a fictional Danish town called Jante.
In the imaginary small town of Jante there is an informal, oppressive law that forbids anyone from standing out from the crowd.

There are ten different rules in the law, but they are all variations on a single theme and are usually referred to as a homogeneous unit: Don't think you're anyone special or that you're better than us.
1. Don’t think you are anything. = Du skall inte tro att du är något.
2. Don’t think you are as good as us. = Du skall inte tro att du är lika god som vi.
3. Don’t think you are smarter than us. = Du skall inte tro att du är klokare än vi.
4. Don’t fancy yourself better than us. = Du skall inte inbilla dig att du är bättre än vi.
5. Don’t think you know more than us. = Du skall inte tro att du vet mer än vi.
6. Don’t think you are greater than us. = Du skall inte tro att du är förmer än vi.
7. Don’t think you are good for anything. = Du skall inte tro att du duger till något.
8. Don’t laugh at us. = Du skall inte skratta åt oss.
9. Don’t think that anyone cares about you. = Du skall inte tro att någon bryr sig om dig.
10. Don’t think you can teach us anything. = Du skall inte tro att du kan lära oss

God wants us to believe in the opposite since we are made in His image and likeness.. also that we are wonderfully made "omvända (backward) jantelag"
1) You are amazing
2) You are worth much more than you think
3) You have knowledge
4) You are good as you are
5) You knows much others don't
6) You have much to be proud of
7) You are adequate
8) You are welcome to laugh
9) Someone out there does care about you
10) You have knowledge to spread
I am very excited to see the swedish people bloom and be proud of the wonderful blessing God has given them.
I am in a beautiful country and i see great people building it!


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